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consider the potential of a more physically capable and profitable sire. magnitude�s balanced blend of fatty acids � not found in any other omega-3 product � can help provide that balanced nutrition your stallion needs.

you can order magnitude through your on-farm veterinarian, consulting veterinarian or directly from reproduction resources . there are also attractive opportunities available for veterinarians to purchase magnitude directly from reproduction resources and use the product as a component of their nutrition consulting services.

proven, successful breeders charge what they�re worth. improve the worth of your breeding operation through improved nutrition � make yours a stallion of magnitude�.

magnitude was recently highlighted in an article by christine hamilton, which appeared in the december 2006 issue of the american quarter horse journal (aqhaj).

please also review the newest aqhaj article published in october 2007 by christine hamilton.


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magnitudetm is a registered trademark of united bionutrition

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